Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Let's Try That Again!

  This has been a weird growing season.  Folks all over the Coast are complaining that their gardens are "just not doing right."  Seasoned gardeners are having difficulty getting seeds to sprout and plants to grow.  If seeds do pop out of the ground, the plants come to a standstill and refuse to grow.  While most are blaming the seed companies, others are blaming the weather.  The weather is fine other than a bit too much rain and we did have one late freeze and a late frost.  Perhaps, I am fortunate.  I planted much earlier than other folks and the garden is doing well.  Others planted after that last freeze and are having difficulties.  So, just what is going on with the gardens??  No one seems to have an answer.

  Speaking of weather related problems, the late frost pretty much did a number on the citrus blossoms.  All of the trees bloomed on time but then, bam!...a frost caused blossom drop.  The trees bloomed again.  Some managed to do well but the poor lemon trees had problems with the orange dog caterpillars stripping them of every leaf and bloom.  Normally, the caterpillars do not hatch until after the fruit has set so there is not a serious problem but because of the second blooming, the caterpillars and blooms were at the same time.  Eating the blooms is almost unheard of!  

  Today, however, I noticed that the lemon trees are on their third blooming of the year.  "Let's try this again!" the trees seem to be thinking.  Perhaps this time, the fruit will set and the trees will hold until ripening.  I will say this..those trees are persistent!  

  Other than those few setbacks with the fruit trees, the garden is finally doing well.  We should be harvesting fresh vegetables within the week and fruit throughout the summer.  The peach, plum, fig and citrus trees have finally gotten their acts together and the vegetable garden is flourishing!

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