Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Just as Lovely

  The purple mist plants (wild ageratum) have, once again, taken over the flower gardens.  What was once filled with daylilies, zinnias, petunias and nasturtiums is now a sea of purple.  Well, purple and orange, if you wish to be technical.  (I was informed of that by Son..his words.)  Anyway, the ageratum blooms are thick in spite of the drought and those blooms have attracted the loveliest abundance of orange butterflies!

  For years, the blooms would draw many, many monarch butterflies and I so enjoyed those but, lately, the orangeness has been brought by fritillary butterflies.  These come in huge swarms to flit about the purple mist and I am equally happy with them.  To my way of thinking these are just as lovely as the monarchs...much the same as the ageratums are just as lovely as any exquisite orchid.  I guess it is all in the way you look at things and how much you can appreciate what is set before you.  It is a grand feeling to get to the point that you can find satisfaction in the simple things of life.

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